Meet The CEO

Calandra Evans| 23| Born & Raised in South Carolina

I am an inspiring entrepreneur, investor, & an example of black excellence. During these times I am choosing to create opportunities for wealth and freedom for myself & for my family

As an a mother, I want my daughter to live in a world where she can express herself freely in any domain. But in the world today, I fear she may be limited based on perceived stereotypes place on colored women , mainly based on their sexuality.

    Through my own experiences & the future i want for my daughter, I hope to remove the stigma topic in sexual pleasure, adult toys & sexual information. In this generation, sex is all around us either glamorized or weaponized. We need to be transparent & bluntly honesty when it comes to the emotion, physical, mental, and spiritually effects of transferring of sexual energies.

    I  include all, in the exploration of your own bodies & I believe in a  non-judgmental place to find what satisfies you & to educate you. Also, we need a serious platform that gives you transparent sex information on health and consent.

   Our vision is to spread awareness of sexual health, information and freedom of our sexuality. Your sexuality should be celebrated.You are entitled to release your vulnerability through intimacy whether you are alone, with a partners and/or with multiple partners. 

I strive for our vision to become your reality.
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